Hilary Weber, founder and CEO of Opportu Startup Leadership, was asked to join the Board of Directors for SkyDeck, U.C. Berkeley’s accelerator. The Board position is to be for one year. Also on board are the Executive Director of SkyDeck, Caroline Winnet, and the Dean of the Haas School of Business, Richard Lyons, among others. SkyDeck is the first accelerator associated with a research university, and was established two and a half years ago. Hilary has been a Venture Advisor for the past two years, advising and coaching multiple SkyDeck teams, primarily in the areas of team building, people skills and presence/pitch development. She also leads the Team Development practice area at SkyDeck. To learn more about SkyDeck, click here.
The founder and CEO of Opportu, Hilary Weber, gave an interactive workshop presentation on women and confidence at the national Girls in Tech Catalyst conference. The session was attended by approximately sixty woman (a full house) and was very well received, evidenced by follow-up communication directly to Hilary Weber from participants, on Twitter and to the conference leaders. The founder of Girls in Tech, Adriana Gascoigne, was quoted as follows: “YOU ROCK! Your presentation was so compelling to a variety of women of all ages, experiences, backgrounds. Impressive.” This resulted in Hilary being asked to give the workshop again in the San Francisco Bay area in May, and in China in the fall of 2015, with full sponsorship from Girls in Tech. Click to learn more information about the Girls in Tech Catalyst conference.
Opportu’s founder and CEO, Hilary Weber, presented her book concepts and gave an accompanying assessment to a group of entrepreneurs at the Runway accelerator in San Francisco. The startup founders were asked to assess themselves on each of the 11.5 characteristics so they could instantly know which areas they might want to work on to improve their startup leadership skills. The book that the concepts are based on, entitled Walking the Tightrope, is slated to be published later in 2015. To learn more about the Runway accelerator, click here.
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